• 📰 SaaS Tribune Weekly - 10 Feb

    From: SaaSHub Jan-31-2022 05:43:am

    SaaSHub Weekly - 10 Feb

    Our weekly list of useful, trending and featured products

    Better Uptime logo

    Better Uptime

    We call you when your website goes down

    #Website Monitoring #Uptime Monitoring #Monitoring Tools

    Umso logo


    The Website Builder for Startups

    #Website Builder #Landing Pages #Landing Page Designer

    Doodad.dev's Pattern Generator logo

    Doodad.dev's Pattern Generator

    A free tool for creating unique, royalty-free, repeatable patterns.

    #Design Tools #Development #Online Services

    Orderwerks logo


    Orderwerks is a B2B Online Ordering System For Manufacturers, Distributors and More.

    Featured #Sales Operations Management #Sales Workflow #Sales

    Easy User Test logo

    Easy User Test

    Easy User Test is a user testing tool that offers the easiest way to test your text and design.

    #SaaS #Platform As A Service (PaaS) #Website Testing

    CrowdRender logo


    Crowdrender is free software you can use to build your own render farm then combine it's power with the cloud, your friend's computers to make distributed compute clusters for 3d rendering of animation or still projects in Blender.

    #3D Rendering #3D #Architecture

    SpaceHey logo


    SpaceHey is a retro social network focused on privacy and customizability. It's a friendly place to have fun, meet friends, and be creative. Join for free!

    #Social Networks #Social & Communications #Social Media

    Numbr logo


    An elegant calculator for the web

    #Productivity #Calculator #Online Calculators

    ControlHub logo


    The most intuitive purchasing software to request, approve and track all your business purchases.

    #Procurement And Purchasing #Procurement Management #Procurement

    BillOut App logo

    BillOut App

    Simply track your bills and receive a notification on the due date. With BillOut - Bill Reminder App you will never miss a bill again.

    #Personal Finance #Bills

    PrettyLead.co logo


    PrettyLead helps you to create engaging popups, notification bars, fullscreens and embedded forms to boost your conversions and sales on your website.

    #Marketing Platform #Conversion Optimization #User Engagement

    Unimus logo


    Unimus is a Network Automation and Configuration management solution designed for fast deployment network-wide and ease of use. Unimus does not require learning any abstraction or templating languages, and does not require any coding skills.

    Featured #Network Automation #Configuration Auditing #Change Management

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