• 📰 SaaS Tribune Weekly - 01 Sep

    From: SaaSHub Jan-31-2022 05:43:am
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    SaaSHub Weekly - 01 Sep

    Our weekly list of useful, trending and featured products

    SalesBinder logo


    SalesBinder is an online management system which streamlines your inventory, customer accounts, sales leads, purchase orders, and billing.

    #Inventory Management #Inventory Management Software #Business: Inventory & Barcoding

    TreeClicks logo


    Plant trees for free by shopping online 🌲🌐

    #Firefox Extensions #Web App #Chrome Extensions

    Probe logo


    Revenue metrics. Sales metrics. Business costs. All in one place.

    #Business Intelligence #Business Analytics #Slack

    OpenKM.us logo


    OpenKM is a document management software that integrates all essential document management into one easy to use solution.

    Featured #Document Management System #ECM #Knowledge Management

    Easy Note logo

    Easy Note

    Easynote is 4-in-1 tool that will manage your all your projects & tasks, meetings, documents and files!

    #Project Management #Task Management #Todos

    Howuku logo


    Web optimization platform for Startups and Agencies.

    #Visitor Recordings #User Feedback #Web Analytics

    Jika.io logo


    Invest and learn with Jika. The investing platform built by retail investors, for retail investors!

    #Finance #Investing

    Logo.com logo


    Design a professional logo in minutes.

    #Logo Maker #Online Logo Maker #Logo Generator

    Desku.io logo


    Customer support simplified

    #Customer Communication #Customer Support #Customer Experience Management

    Leadzen.ai logo


    The Most Intelligent Lead Generating Tool

    #Sales Tools #Lead Generation #Prospecting

    Planzer.io logo


    Planzer.io lets you collect all your task tools and calendar events in one place to help you plan a more productive week.

    #Task Management #Productivity

    Ortto logo


    Customer journey marketing, data and analytics platform. Send multi-channel campaigns with email, SMS, pop ups and notification support.

    Featured #Email Marketing #Email Marketing Platforms #Marketing Automation

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