• 📰 SaaS Tribune Weekly - 08 Sep

    From: SaaSHub Jan-31-2022 05:43:am
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    SaaSHub Weekly - 08 Sep

    Our weekly list of useful, trending and featured products

    Tolgee logo


    We are saving developers time providing tool for Web application Localization

    #I18n #Developer Tools #L10n

    Live Center logo

    Live Center

    Live Center helps news and media companies cover events and breaking news in live feeds. Create Live Blogs with engaging content, interact with your audience, and customize feeds to strengthen your brand.

    #Blogging Platform #Blogging #CMS

    minimarks logo


    Compact bookmark manager and start page for teams and web enthusiasts. Share links with your team and keep your bookmarks in sync across devices. Publish bookmark collections and share your page on social media. Our web app works everywhere.

    #Bookmark Manager #Link Sharing #Bookmarks

    Unimus logo


    Unimus is a Network Automation and Configuration management solution designed for fast deployment network-wide and ease of use. Unimus does not require learning any abstraction or templating languages, and does not require any coding skills.

    Featured #Network Automation #Configuration Auditing #Change Management

    Listly.io logo


    Turn Webpages into Excel in Seconds! Accessible, structured data at your fingertips. No code is necessary. Whether you're collecting job listings, descriptions, shipping info, you name it, from any website; Try Listly to get data within clicks

    #Web Scraping #Productivity #Data Extraction

    Racompass logo


    Racompass is a modern designed administration tool for Redis. It gives you full control about every single aspect of your Redis management experience. Instead of lots of CLI commands, you can CRUD keys and monitor endpoints.

    #Mac #Productivity #Developer Tools

    Dotenv logo


    Sync your .env files, quickly & securely

    #Developer Tools #Web Development Tools #Security & Privacy

    Clientpad.io logo


    Client management, made for freelancers.

    #Freelance Tools #Client Management #Invoicing

    Buzzy logo


    Buzzy lets you build working apps straight from Figma. Create working apps, MVPs or prototypes with real data, user-generated content and live forms straight from Figma, without coding.

    #App Development #Application Builder #Design Tools

    MQTT X logo

    MQTT X

    A cross-platform MQTT 5.0 desktop client open-sourced by EMQ, which can run on macOS, Linux and Windows, and supports formatting MQTT payload.


    Kosmo logo


    Kosmo helps you automate your freelancing business. Including sending invoices, tracking time, managing projects and more.

    #Freelance Tools #Project Management #Invoicing

    Warmup Inbox logo

    Warmup Inbox

    Warmup Inbox is a tool that automates the process of warming up your email inboxes, raising your sender reputation and inbox health automatically.

    Featured #Email Warm Up #Cold Outreach #Startup Marketing

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