• 📰 SaaS Tribune Weekly - 26 May

    From: SaaSHub Jan-31-2022 05:43:am
    SaaSHub logo

    SaaSHub Weekly - 26 May

    Our weekly list of useful, trending and featured products

    1LINK.IO logo


    Convert web users to your app. Device detection, landing page and analytics included.

    #Link Management #Analytics #URL Shortener

    SwifDoo PDF logo

    SwifDoo PDF

    At SwifDoo PDF, we provide a useful and quick solution to all your PDF-relevant needs, from editing and organizing to converting and protecting PDFs.

    #Developer Tools #PDF Tools #PDF Editor

    FeedMail logo


    FeedMail sends you updates from your favourite websites directly to your inbox (or filed nicely into a label of your choice).

    #RSS #Email #SaaS

    PingPong Status Pages logo

    PingPong Status Pages

    PingPong: incident tracking and website monitoring in one. Turn downtime into happy customers. Beautiful, fully customizable status pages hosted securely outside your infrastructure. Sign up for free today.

    Featured #Status Pages #Incident Management #Monitoring Tools

    Speckle logo


    Go beyond interoperability: Speckle is an open source data platform for the AEC (architecture, engineering, construction) industry.

    #Git #GitHub #Source Code Repository

    WorkTime Cloud logo

    WorkTime Cloud

    Web-based Employee & Computer Monitoring Service. For 1- 15,000+ Employees. FREE for Small bussineses. We Take Care of Your Data. No Need to Be an IT Pro

    #Work Management #Customer Feedback #Time Tracking

    Appflow.ai logo


    Manage, track and review for iOS and Android in-app subscriptions. Transform subscription data to actionable insights with personalized suggestion feature.

    #Subscription Management #Subscription Revenue Reporting #Mobile Analytics

    Shakebug logo


    Shakebug is the bug and crashes reporting tool which is also known as an issue tracking tool that allows developers to see the bug and crashes.

    #Bug Reporting #Error Tracking #Visual Bug Reports

    Imitate Email logo

    Imitate Email

    Imitate Email is a fake SMTP server with an embeddable web widget to let developers and users test email flows without leaving their app.

    #Testing #Email #Email Testing

    InstaCopy.ai logo


    InstaCopy is an AI-powered content writing tool that generates human-like marketing copies for blogs, social media, and website content at lightning-fast speed.

    #AI Copywriting #Copywriting #Automated Copywriting

    Glassfy logo


    Build, manage, and grow in-app subscriptions. Glassfy is the infrastructure (open source SDK, backend, dashboard) to integrate subscriptions in minutes, manage products & permissions remotely, check real time metrics, and remotely configure paywalls.

    #Subscriptions #Subscription Management #Subscription Revenue Reporting

    LogRocket logo


    LogRocket combines session replay, performance monitoring, and product analytics — empowering teams to create the ideal product experience.

    Featured #Web Analytics #User Monitoring #User Analytics

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