• 📰 SaaS Tribune Weekly - 25 Aug

    From: SaaSHub Jan-31-2022 05:43:am
    SaaSHub logo

    SaaSHub Weekly - 25 Aug

    Our weekly list of useful, trending and featured products

    Wappalyzer logo


    Wappalyzer is a technology profilers and leads data provider. Create lists of websites and contacts that use certain technologies.

    #Market Research #Lead Management #Sales Automation

    Baserow logo


    Open source no-code database and Airtable alternative. Create your own online database without technical experience. Performant with high volumes of data, can be self hosted and supports plugins

    #Tech #SaaS #Open Source

    Maildroppa logo


    Maildroppa is the GDPR-compliant email-marketing-app for bootstrappers and single-founders. In less than 5 minutes, you can set up beautiful sign-up forms and embed them right on your website without any coding skills.

    #Email Marketing #Email Newsletters #Newsletter Marketing

    NetNut.io logo


    Fastest Residential Proxy IP network for businesses. Search engine proof, Static + Rotating Proxies. Claim your 7-day free trial.

    Featured #Residental Proxy #Web Scraping #Data Extraction

    Jepto logo


    Jepto unifies your digital marketing data and helps you manage and automate your marketing

    #AI Platform #Marketing Platform #SEO Performance Monitoring

    Wraith Scribe logo

    Wraith Scribe

    Write an article in one click.

    #Content Creation #Content Marketing #Writing Tools

    Acttopus logo


    Your Digital Accountant

    #Accounting & Finance #Billing & Invoicing #Bookkeeping And Accounting

    ManyBio logo


    Connect all yours links at feature rich micro-landing page within minutes

    #Link Management #Social Media Tools #URL Shortener

    Sheet.chat logo


    Google Sheets in Slack

    #Group Chat & Notifications #Google Sheets #Slack

    Payaca logo


    Job management software your team and customers will love!

    #Field Service Management #Job Work Management #Quoting Software

    Witful logo


    Witful is the personal organization tool built for humans who manage people, conversations and meetings throughout their day.

    #Productivity #ToDos & Task Management #Note Taking

    DontPayFull logo


    Verified coupons and discounts for a variety of online retailers.

    Featured #Coupons #Discount Codes #Promo Codes

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    The SaaSHub team

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