• 📰 SaaS Tribune Weekly - 04 Aug

    From: SaaSHub Jan-31-2022 05:43:am
    SaaSHub logo

    SaaSHub Weekly - 04 Aug

    Our weekly list of useful, trending and featured products

    PingPong Status Pages logo

    PingPong Status Pages

    PingPong: incident tracking and website monitoring in one. Turn downtime into happy customers. Beautiful, fully customizable status pages hosted securely outside your infrastructure. Sign up for free today.

    #Status Pages #Incident Management #Monitoring Tools

    Analyzify logo


    Google tag manager and analytics app for your Shopify store

    #eCommerce #Marketing #Advertising

    Jobspage.co logo


    Simplify your hiring process with a dedicated careers page and applicant tracking system. Jobspage is all-in-one solution - easy, efficient & free.

    #HR & Recruiting #Hiring And Recruitment #HR Tools

    Booking Ninja logo

    Booking Ninja

    Booking Ninja allows you to create a free, simple, online reservation tool for your restaurant or cafe.

    Featured #Online Bookings #Restaurant Management #Restaurant Management Software

    Branalyzer logo


    Low-cost alternative to Semrush and Similarweb… Branalyzer is the AI-based all-in-one tool that allows marketers, agencies, and entrepreneurs to obtain detailed information on brands. Analyze in-depth competitors to improve your online presence.

    #SEO #SEO Tools #SEO Analyzer

    HandyPolls logo


    Create a poll and share the link. The easiest online survey tool.

    #Forms And Surveys #Polls And Quizzes #Surveys

    Timeliness logo


    Automatically schedules your tasks based on your availability

    #Calender And Scheduling #Productivity Software #Task Manager

    Authsignal logo


    World-class out of the box Passwordless Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Anywhere technology, built specifically for developers and Fraud Ops teams. Implementation in hours, protection for a lifetime.

    #Security & Privacy #Identity And Access Management #User Management And Authentication

    Speechactors logo


    AI Driven Text to Speech Generation.

    #Text To Speech #Voice Assistant #TTS

    Team Today logo

    Team Today

    The simplest way to manage and plan hybrid working, See who's working at home, in the office, offsite or on holiday. Keep track of office numbers, book hot desks and sync it all to Outlook, Teams or Google.

    #Productivity #Project Management #Digital Asset Management

    Clipsia.io logo


    Create beautiful videos from written content

    #Content Marketing #Social Media Tools #Video

    CouponLab logo


    Save big with 50,000 coupon and special deals at couponLab.com We offer you up-to-date coupons from your favorite brands We help people save time and money by delivering them with the latest deals from their favorite stores in an easy to use.

    Featured #Online Shopping #Coupons #Online Shopping Coupons

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