• 📰 SaaS Tribune Weekly - 28 Apr

    From: SaaSHub Jan-31-2022 05:43:am
    SaaSHub logo

    SaaSHub Weekly - 28 Apr

    Our weekly list of useful, trending and featured products

    Ticket Tailor logo

    Ticket Tailor

    Ticket Tailor is an easy-to-use event ticketing platform that allows event organizers of all shapes and sizes to sell tickets online.

    #Event Management #Online Ticketing #Event Registration

    FormCrafts logo


    FormCrafts is an online drag-and-drop form builder for making intuitive forms.

    #Surveys #Form Builder #Forms And Surveys

    Datameer logo


    Datameer enables data engineers and analysts to transform and model data directly in Snowflake via a simple SQL code or no-code interface to solve complex analytical projects.

    #Data Modeling #Data Preparation #Data Science Tools

    Hotjar logo


    The #1 Leader in Heatmaps, Recordings, Surveys & More. Sign up for a 15-day free trial and start learning from real user behavior today!

    Featured #Heatmaps #Web Analytics #Customer Feedback

    3veta logo


    Modern meeting experience for remote teams designed by a remote team

    #Calendar #Calendar And Scheduling #Appointments and Scheduling

    AppWrite logo


    Appwrite provides web and mobile developers with a set of easy-to-use and integrate REST APIs to manage their core backend needs.

    #Developer Tools #Backend As A Service #REST API

    Traqq logo


    Team time tracker with dynamic screenshots, productivity metrics, and apps & website tracking. Track hours within seconds with Traqq's simple UI and lightweight app.

    #Time Tracking #Invoicing #Project Management

    cleanCART logo


    Increase eCommerce profit margins by blocking coupon code extensions & fraudulent affiliate fees

    #Online Shopping #Marketing #eCommerce

    Mailstand logo


    Mailstand is a cold email outreach platform that allows you to merge mailboxes to scale your email outreach. Mailstand has mail merge, allows you to schedule emails and A/B test cold emails.

    #Email Marketing #Email Automation #Cold Outreach

    ParityDeals logo


    ParityDeals automates dynamic pricing, enabling you to adjust prices based on location, time of day, or season and boost conversions in individual markets

    #Marketing Tools #Dynamic Pricing #Product Pricing

    OfficeTogether logo


    Hybrid work is here to stay. Book desks, compare calendars, and complete health checks with seamless hoteling software. OfficeTogether = hybrid culture, solved.

    #Office Space Management #Desk Booking Software

    Labourly logo


    Your all-in-one HR solution to manage and hire work-ready candidates.

    Featured #HR & Recruiting #HRIS #HRMS Solution

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