• 📰 SaaS Tribune Weekly - 23 Jun

    From: SaaSHub Jan-31-2022 05:43:am
    SaaSHub logo

    SaaSHub Weekly - 23 Jun

    Our weekly list of useful, trending and featured products

    UserGuiding logo


    UserGuiding - Better User Onboarding Without Coding

    #User Onboarding And Engagement #Self Service Support #User Engagement

    GetSiteControl logo


    Zero-coding popup builder for ecommerce brands

    #Form Builder #Popups #Email Newsletters

    Qrvey logo


    All-in-one embedded analytics platform purpose-built for SaaS providers living in the AWS ecosystem

    #Business Intelligence #Analytics #Embedded Analytics

    Basin logo


    Plug-and-play form backend for modern web projects

    Featured #Web App #Form Backend #Developer Tools

    TextSniper logo


    Instantly extract any text from your Mac's screen

    #OCR #Image Recognition #Data Extraction

    Jobicy logo


    Hire remote talent or be hired for any job, anywhere!

    #HR & Recruiting #Job Boards #Hiring Tools

    Removaly logo


    Remove your personal information from the internet.

    #SaaS #Privacy #Tech

    GorillaPDF logo


    Free online PDF converter from different file formats to PDF and vice versa. Read, convert, merge, compress, encrypt and decrypt PDF files. Turn images to PDF, Word, Excel & PPT to PDF, HTML to PDF and TXT to PDF. Extract text from images with OCR.

    #PDF Tools #PDF Converter #PDF

    AVCLabs Photo Enhancer AI logo

    AVCLabs Photo Enhancer AI

    AVCLabs Photo Enhancer AI is an easy-to-use photo enhancement software. It uses AI technology to improve the photo/image quality and enlarge the photo without losing quality. Give an unparalleled sense of beauty and style to your photographs.

    #Photos & Graphics #Photo Enhancer #Photo Recovery

    Praiz.io logo


    The video hub for modern teams.

    #Video #Video Platform

    Teletype App logo

    Teletype App

    Get all your messages in one place and respond to your customers promptly.

    #Customer Support #Customer Service #Live Chat

    Localize logo


    Translate websites and web apps into any language with the all-in-one solution that automates localization and streamlines workflows.

    Featured #Localization #Website Localization #App Localization

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