• 📰 SaaS Tribune Weekly - Jul 13

    From: SaaSHub Jan-31-2022 05:43:am
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    SaaSHub Weekly - Jul 13

    Our weekly list of useful, trending and featured products

    FusionAuth logo


    FusionAuth is a CIAM platform that is 100% free for unlimited users.

    #Authentication #User Management And Authentication #Multi-factor Authentication

    Intuendi logo


    Demand forecasting and optimization software - prevent stockouts, reduce excess stock and maximize your inventory ROI.

    #Inventory Forecasting #Inventory Management #Inventory Planning

    Qrvey logo


    All-in-one embedded analytics platform purpose-built for SaaS providers living in the AWS ecosystem

    Featured #Business Intelligence #Analytics #Embedded Analytics

    Wrangle.io logo


    Easy process automation for busy teams. Manage processes and approvals in Slack or email. Kick off workflows from over 1500 apps.

    #Process Automation #Workflow Automation #Workflow Management

    RealityMAX logo


    RealityMAX is the most powerful free 3D design collaboration platform, 100% online. Cooperate remotely with your colleagues on 3D projects and easily share your work with clients. Create Web3D and AR experiences in a snap, without a line of code.

    #Design Tools #Design Collaboration #3D

    FineShare FineCam logo

    FineShare FineCam

    Supercharge your video conferences and recording with AI.

    #Webcams #Video Calls #Live Streaming

    Shelf.nu logo


    Know what you have, when you need it — Track Everything with Shelf.

    #QR Code #SaaS #Asset Management

    MadNotes logo


    The most convenient markdown notepad, opened in the new tab

    #Productivity #Writing Tools #Studying

    ApproveThis logo


    1-click approval management that helps add a bit of oversight, without the overhead.

    #Business Process Management #Review And Approval Software #Workflow Automation

    ReplyGenius.AI logo


    Generate highly personalized responses for your business's online reviews on Google, Airbnb, TripAdvisor, and many more in 50+ languages. Analyze your online reviews for common pain points and get actionable insights

    #Business Productivity #Online Reviews #Online Review Management

    Cactus Hire logo

    Cactus Hire

    Revolutionize your hiring process with Cactus, an innovative assessment software that uses real-world tasks and AI-powered interview simulations to evaluate candidates. Say hello to practical, job-specific assessments.

    #Candidate Screening And Assessment #Digital Assessments And Tests #Skill Assessment

    HaasOnline logo


    Best crypto trading bot platform trusted by thousands of traders.

    Featured #Cryptocurrencies #Trading #Algorithmic Trading

    Read on the web or view the archive


    Top products as selected by the SaaSHub's experts community.

    1. WiX - Create a free website with Wix.com. Customize with Wix' website builder, no coding skills needed. Choose a design, begin customizing and be online today
    2. RocketHub - The best SaaS lifetime deals and info products for entrepreneurs. Never pay full price again for software needed to run your business.
    3. PDF.ai - Chat with any document
    4. Zoho CRM - Omnichannel CRM for Businesses of all sizes
    5. Amio - Amio is an easy-to-use conversational AI platform that enables the creation of highly reliable chatbots.

    View all details here.

    I hope this week's selection has been helpful.

    Kind regards,
    Stan, SaaSHub's founder

    Stan Bright signature

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