• Join for the education, stay for the community

    From: Copyblogger.com May-14-2021 03:19:am

    Hey again, Brian Clark here.

    You know, I've started five successful online communities in the last 15 years, and one thing holds true. People join these communities for valuable and actionable training.

    But then, something amazing happens every time. The members of the community discover the value in each other, and the return on investment of the entire program accelerates.

    With Copyblogger Pro, we know that in times of disruptive change, we've got to deliver on educational content that represents the state of the art. Training that our members can immediately use in the real world to build their businesses and careers.

    According to our members, we're hitting the mark:

    "Yesterday’s first masterclass as part of my Copyblogger Pro subscription confirmed I’ve made the right choice. Excellent advice on how to target your audience & create thought leadership. The worksheets are incredibly useful too. Thanks Brian Clark, can’t wait for the next one!”
    ~ Evelien Al
    They've taken writing and content creation to another level with Copyblogger Pro’s Masterclasses and coaching that you’d typically pay thousands of dollars for. The price is peanuts compared to what you’ll learn.”
    ~ Josh Hayles

    Even our Q&A sessions reveal actionable tactics and strategies, and one answer can provide you with the insight that justifies your entire investment:

    “On an Ask Me Anything call with Brian Clark and the Copyblogger Pro team. 40 minutes in and I’ve gotten more than any other call I’ve been on all year about content marketing.”
    ~ Sara Craig

    But we're also highly invested in the community aspects of Copyblogger Pro as well. We've making software upgrades and other improvements based on feedback from our members to ensure that it's the networking and interaction with like-minded peers that keeps you happily coming back.

    Lock in your reduced membership fee with this limited-time deal. You'll not only save today, but for the lifetime of your membership.

    Find out more here.

    Keep going-

    Brian Clark
    Founder and CEO
    Copyblogger Media

    P.S. Save $100 off the regular annual membership fee for Copyblogger Pro for a few more days. And it's all risk free with our 30 day money back guarantee. Sign up today and see what you think.

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