• New Years Resolution: Better Periods.

    From: My Moonbox Jul-24-2022 02:23:am
    3 Powerful Questions To Ask Before 2022
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    Hi beautiful,

    If you’re anything like me, having a fresh slate can feel incredibly liberating.

    As the end of year approaches in a few days, I hope you create space to reflect on the year that has been, and then also look forward into 2022 and get crystal clear on what you would like to do, see, create & feel…

    It’s time to dream BIG. But in doing so, please promise me this - 


    Don’t make new resolutions without considering your hormones! 

    “Why”, you ask? 


    Because your hormones play a huge role in helping you achieve what you would like to do, see, feel and create in 2022. 

    And if your hormones are out of balance, they will 100% prevent you from showing up as your most healthy, vibrant self and achieving all of your dreams in the new year! 

    So, when making your new resolutions, include these 3 questions below to help set you up for the most success in 2022. I’m also sharing my own personal ritual I do at the end of each year with ALL the other questions I ask myself in this easy to download PDF. 


    So grab a piece of paper, find a quiet spot & its time to reflect & set goals for the new year.. 


    In reflection on 2021… 

    1. How did you experience most of your periods this year? (e.g Dreaded, painful, moody, fatigued, irregular, annoying, uncomfortable, got in the way of my life or healthy, energised, symptom-free, easy etc) 

    Looking forward into 2022…

    2. How would you like to experience your periods in the new year? (e.g easy, comfortable, pain-free, regular, connected, enjoyable, relaxed, empowering etc) 

    3. What changes do you need to make to achieve this?


    ✍️ Click here to download the Reflect & Set PDF & make 2022 the year you stop being held back by your hormones — and actually LIVE it!

    Happy holidays, and an even happier, healthier new year to you,


    Founder of My Moonbox

    P.S Want to learn how to reclaim your hormonal health & experience better periods in 2022? Join me in my New Year, Better Periods Masterclass. 
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    My Moonbox Unit 3, 87-89 Moore Street Leichhardt, NSW 2040