• 5 ways to beat period pain🩸

    From: My Moonbox Jul-24-2022 02:23:am
    Without painkillers or hormonal birth control!
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    Ready to relieve period pain naturally?! You need to focus on reducing inflammation in the body. 


    Here are 5 reliable and safe alternatives to painkillers...


    Sunshine: Vitamin D from the sun reduces inflammation in the body, and has shown to minimize the use of pain relief medication and reduce intensity of cramps. 

    Easy Solution: Soak up 20 minutes of sunshine daily or see a practitioner regarding supplementation

    Magnesium: Studies show over 80% of women who suffer from menstrual cramps (and migraines) are deficient in magnesium. Magnesium works by reducing inflammatory prostaglandins that cause period pain. 

    Easy Solution: Spray Moon Boost magnesium oil onto your belly every day of the month to replenish magnesium stores safely and effectively. 

    Omega-3 fatty acids: Shown to effectively reduce inflammation causing period pain. Consume oily fish such as sardines and salmon, olive oil, olives, coconuts, nuts and seeds! Also, consider taking a fish oil supplement if not obtained through diet. 

    Easy Solution: Sprinkle Earth Seeds over any meal daily for a boost in anti-inflammatory omega-3s! 

    Turmeric: Turmeric is well-studied for its anti-inflammatory properties and stimulates the body's natural painkillers. It's AH-MAZING for period pain.

    Easy Solution: Drink a Luna’s Gold Latte - this blend doesn't contain your regular turmeric, it has a high 8% of curcumin which is the property that gives turmeric its anti-inflammatory benefits. Regular store bought turmeric has 1-2% on average of curcumin which means it wont be as effective.

    Cramp Bark: this well-known anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic herb for fighting pain has been used for centuries! If you haven't tried it yet - now is the time.

    Easy solution: Drink cramp bark in New Moon Tea in the week before & throughout your period to prevent pain. 

    IMPORTANT: Supporting your body throughout the ENTIRE month is key to preventing period pain! Taking action a few days before your period, or on your period won’t make a huge difference. Consistency is key!

    Prevention is KEY, so start supporting your body today, and experience a better period by next month. 

    I'll be covering the exact nutrition and lifestyle strategies to actively reduce inflammation in the body and prevent period pain naturally (for the long-term) in my up-coming masterclass! So stay tuned for the launch 🎉

    Pain-free periods are possible with the right support! 

    You've got this, 

    xx Nikki, Founder My Moonbox 

    Best-selling Period Pain Products 

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    Moon Boost Magnesium Oil
    Image of New Moon Cramps Tea
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    Image of Luna’s Gold Turmeric Latte
    Luna’s Gold Turmeric Latte
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