• Are you struggling to navigate your way through short naps?

    From: The Sleep Teacher Jul-24-2022 02:23:am
    We've put together a checklist of common reasons why your little ones naps might be stuck around that 45-minute mark. 
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    Have you been struggling to navigate your way through short naps? Don't worry Mumma we've got you!

    Short naps can be super common and are to be expected for up to 4 months but sometimes they linger a little longer. If you’re finding this is the case for you and your little one, we've put together a checklist of common reasons why Bub's naps might be stuck around that 45-minute mark. 
    Awake window is off
    We go on about it, but it is so important to nail your little ones awake window! While these will slightly vary from baby to baby, they will generally be around the average awake window that we have outlined in all our routines. Pair this with observing your little one and their tired signs to find the sweet spot. These are rapidly changing in the first year so remember to keep tweaking as your baby grows.

    The room isn’t dark enough
    This is often overlooked but can be a game changer with everything else lined up. 
    Darkness creates a production of melatonin which results in your bub transitioning more easily into the next sleep cycle.

    Your baby needs ‘something’ to fall asleep
    Whether that be a feed, rocking, a dummy, pats on the bottom. These things are all considered a sleep association, used to induce sleep. When they are continuously offered to your baby to help them go to sleep, they will look for them to be offered again at the end of each sleep cycle. 

    Feeding to close to the nap
    While your little one is awake, they are building sleep pressure. This sleep pressure is what helps them fall asleep come nap time. If your little one is frequently snacking at the breast or bottle throughout their awake time, they can use this as an opportunity to reboot! Try to keep your feeds interactive and at least 30 mins away from your nap time. 
    As always, if what you are doing is working for you and you don’t have an issue with how your little one is sleeping, we would never want you to change how you are doing things. This email is just a helpful checklist in navigating nap extensions! 
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