• Bandit Squad Spotlight Issue #06

    From: RubberBanditz Mar-09-2022 07:25:am
    Muscle Up Mastery

    Bandit Squad Spotlight

    Hey there #BandFam

    Welcome to issue #6 of our weekly newsletter, featuring highlights from our sponsored Athletes over at RubberBanditz.

    Each week will contain awesome highlights, workout tips, and exercises to help you achieve your health & fitness goals this year.

    We hope you enjoy!

    Athlete Spotlight

    This week our featured athlete is Justin Garcia.

    Justin is a personal trainer, WCO elite coach & WCO USA featherweight champ.

    He’s spent 8 years self-teaching and has a philosophy of no two people are the same when it comes to coaching and training.

    Justin embodies all things calisthenics and you can see this in the insane videos he posts to his Instagram.

    You can see more of Justin here.

    Exercise Spotlight

    In this week’s exercise highlight Justin performs a series of muscle ups with a unique twist. The mastery he displays is crazy and needs to be seen to be believed (click to watch Justins insane display).

    Muscle-ups are more of an advanced move.

    The problem when people are practicing the muscle-up is when you’re developing the technique and strength to do the correctly…

    People try and force the movement and chicken wing their way over the bar.

    This is a fast track way to tearing your rotator cuff and putting yourself out of training for a long time.

    You need to use the tools at your disposal to safely practice the movement.

    Mainly the right resistance bands to assist you in getting over the bar.

    And you grab yours right here.

    Blog Spotlight

    In today's blog highlight we give you all the juicy tips to help you get your first muscle-up.

    So if you’re struggling to get yourself over the bar safely. This info inside this post is exactly what you need.

    Check it out right here.


    The Banditz team

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