• Welcome to Bandit Squat Spotlight

    From: RubberBanditz Mar-09-2022 07:25:am
    Brand new weekly newsletter

    Bandit Squad Spotlight

    Hey there #BandFam

    We’re introducing to you a new Weekly Newsletter, featuring highlights from our sponsored Athletes over at RubberBanditz.

    Each week will contain awesome highlights, workout tips and exercises to help you achieve you health & fitness goals this year.

    We hope you enjoy!

    Athlete Spotlight

    This week's featured athlete is our own Mike Marchese.

    At 32 years old Mike is now leaner, stronger, and more mobile than he’s ever been.

    With over a decade in the fitness industry, Mikes training methodology revolves around a combination of calisthenics, traditional strength training, and preventative exercise.

    You can find out more about Mike here.

    Exercise Spotlight

    This exercise helps to build single-leg strength, mobility & stability. It can be very difficult to do unassisted.

    You can see here Mike is using the RubberBanditz 41” band to assist in getting good clean reps. Maintaining good form is crucial to staying healthy and injury-free.

    Even advanced athletes like Mike knows this.

    Thinking of trying out some of the exercises mike puts on display?

    Then get your Rubberbanditz 41” bands today and start mastering the power of your own bodyweight.

    Blog Spotlight

    Want to know the essential pieces of equipment you need at home to crush your workouts and sculpt your body?

    In this post we give our recommendations and what you should get based on your fitness goals.

    Check it out right here.


    The Banditz team

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