• Band benefits all for 15% off

    From: RubberBanditz Mar-09-2022 07:25:am
    The perfect training tool

    We know what you’re thinking…

    “Do I need resistance bands for my training?”

    Well let me fill you in on why resistance bands are the perfect training tool for all experience levels.

    You have less chance of injury with bands.

    With resistance bands, you’ll know if you’re not ready for them.

    If you’re not ready for the higher tension bands you’ll know it right away.

    Resistance bands keep you honest with how strong you are.

    Greater Muscle Stimulus.

    Bands keep your muscles working through the entire range of motion of an exercise.

    This helps to build strength and size which isn’t possible with certain free weight exercises.

    Stretching & Mobility.

    Unless you’re a yogi who can wrap yourself into a pretzel…

    A lot of stretches and can be hard to hold or even get into.

    Bands are the perfect tool to help get into those difficult holds.

    We could keep going on but you get the picture…

    While our site-wide 15% off sale still runs this weekend, get your hands on everything you need to help you smash all your fitness goals for 2022.

    Sale ends Monday… but don’t be a last minute Mary.

    Use the code RUBBERLUTION at checkout for 15% off everything.

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