From: Inspire Me Naturally Feb-24-2021 10:48:am

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    During this workshop you will learn to set Intensions and create your own vision boards. The session will begin with a guided meditation to see and feel the vision of your Perfect Life. In this we see our future self and through our Heart Chakra begin to be open to Your Life Purpose. Everything is included plus access to the tools you will need to create your own masterpiece and one on one instruction with Janelle from Awakenings Life Coaching. For double the fun, bring along a lovely friend to craft and catch up with. Light refreshments will be supplied.


    This workshop includes not only everything you need to make your indulgent candles, but also one on one instruction with Corrina from Aroma Happy. From candle making to candle care. You will also be taking home 3 of your very own customized candles. Light refreshments will be supplied. Candles will be ready to collect from the following Monday onwards between 8am - 4pm. This is because they will need at least 48 hours to set fully. If you would rather take them home on the day, they may set uneven on the top. 


    Bring back that retro house feel and bring home an individual totally unique piece of furniture. Bring along your own choice of fabric for a very personal result, or we will have fabrics available which is included in the price. You'll make and take home lampshade – perfect for a bedside table, desk or table lamp. Everything is included plus access to the tools you will need to create your own masterpiece and one on one instruction from Sue. For double the fun, bring along a lovely friend to craft and catch up with. Light Refreshments will be available.


    Inspire Me Naturally

    1/14 Ereton Drive, Arundel, 4214, Australia


    [email protected]

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