• Sit back and take in nature's symphony🎵🐦

    From: BirdFood UK Jan-06-2023 01:54:am

    Get prepared for International Dawn Chorus Day!

    CJ Wildlife
    Attract more wildlife to your garden

    Dear krazypromo,

    Set your alarms and bask in the beauty of bird song this 

    International Dawn Chorus Day. 

    A day where we're encouraged to rise early and soak up the glorious gift of nature - our busy lives often means we forget about the little things in our world, taking an hour out of our morning this sunday means we can reconnect and regrow our love with our wild world - music to our ears!

    Tune into our Facebook on Sunday 1st of May - around 6am, to see a very special guest take you on a journey of birdsong.

    Get involved and share your experiences with us on social media!

    Find out more about International Dawn Chorus Day > 

    Who is singing what?

    When we sit amongst nature, the sounds which fill our ears can be plentiful, but knowing what bird's we can hear can be a challenge - check out our birdsong soundboard to see which bird sings what and at what time in the day they're the loudest!

    View the Birdsong Soundboard >

    Food for Fledglings

    May brings new feathery life to our gardens, eggs are being laid and fledglings are hatching. Mum and Dad use natural food sources to feed their young and often rely on our support to feed themselves! 

    Keep them energised with these tasty treats.



    The perfect protein punch, birds love these!


    Berry Peanut 


    Filled with fruit and fat, guarenteed to reenergise. 


    Peanut Butter with Insects

    Filled with protein and fat - the perfect power meal.


    See the Nyjer Starter Packs > 


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