• Learn About Turmeric Powder in 5 Minutes – The Health Dossier with WeAreFeel

    From: Feel Multivitamin Jan-06-2023 01:53:am

    Lesson 13: Turmeric Powder

    What is turmeric powder?

    Turmeric powder is the dried and powdered form of the turmeric root, which has been used for thousands of years as a healing substance. This root contains curcuminoids, which are polyphenol compounds that reduce inflammation, fight back against heart disease and even reduce pain.


    Is turmeric powder water-soluble or fat-soluble?

    Turmeric is fat-soluble, which means that it takes your body a while to dissolve this substance, and it stays in your liver and fatty tissues for a significant period of time.


    Where can turmeric powder be found naturally? Common sources of turmeric powder:

    Turmeric root is the only source of curcumin and other curcuminoids.


    3 foods/drinks containing turmeric 

    1. Raw turmeric root

    2. Dried turmeric powder

    3. Turmeric tea


    What is the recommended daily intake for turmeric powder?

    Since authoritative regulatory and research agencies do not recognise turmeric powder as an essential nutrient, there is no established recommended daily amount (RDA) for this profoundly useful substance. Some sources, however, indicate that consuming up to 200mg of turmeric powder per day is safe and beneficial.


    Can you absorb enough of turmeric powder from food?

    Unless you eat at an Indian restaurant every day, you might have trouble getting enough turmeric in your food. This root isn’t widely used outside of certain ethnic dishes, and depending on where you live, you might not have regular access to turmeric root or turmeric powder. To make sure you enjoy the benefits of turmeric every day without going out of your way to make significant dietary changes, it might be best to consume this substance in supplement form.


    Why is turmeric powder necessary for your body?

    As a potent antioxidant, your body needs turmeric to fight back against the action of free radicals in your body. If left unchecked, these harmful substances, called reactive oxygen species, will harm your cellular tissues and contribute to inflammation. Consuming plenty of antioxidants, such as turmeric, will help reduce inflammation, which reduces chronic pain and may even improve your overall resistance to disease.


    Functions of turmeric powder

    Neurological functions: Turmeric promotes DHA production, which is a neuroprotective compound. Turmeric also reverses the effects of corticosterone, and it appears to facilitate the healing of traumatic brain injuries.

    Cardiovascular functions: Turmeric reduces your risk of heart attack, and it also improves your blood flow and reduces your triglyceride levels.

    Anti-aging functions: Turmeric’s antioxidant effects improve your longevity, and this substance also appears to stimulate autophagy, which helps you live longer.


    Symptoms of turmeric deficiency


    Deficiency in antioxidants like turmeric can cause fatigue, which may result in feeling tired at day, difficulty sleeping at night, and difficulty concentrating.

    Neurological Disturbances

    Antioxidants protect your nervous system, and if you don’t consume enough antioxidants, such as turmeric, your mental health may decline or you might have trouble remembering things that happened recently or a long time ago.

    Slow Wound Healing

    Antioxidants are involved in wound healing, so not consuming enough turmeric or other antioxidants could cause slow wound healing. Severe antioxidant deficiency can even cause old wounds to reopen.


    How long do you need to take turmeric powder to start experiencing its benefits if you’re deficient?

    You can generally start experiencing the antioxidant benefits of turmeric powder immediately after you start supplementing with this substance. If you’re trying to use turmeric to treat a serious condition, however, it may take a long time to start noticing results.


    How long does it take for your body to digest/absorb turmeric powder?

    Reliable data on the bioavailability of turmeric powder is not available. However, it’s well-established that turmeric powder only contains around 3% turmeric, and out of this 3%, only a small portion is absorbed by your body. Nonetheless, exact figures on the absorption rate of turmeric in turmeric powder are not available.


    How long does turmeric powder stay in your body after you take it?

    As a fat-soluble nutrient, turmeric powder stays in your body for a significant period of time. While the majority of the turmeric powder you consume will be excreted within 24 hours, a smaller percentage of this substance will stay in your body and accrete in your liver and other fatty tissues.


    Is turmeric powder an antioxidant?

    Yes, the potent antioxidant effects of turmeric are well-established. As an antioxidant turmeric donates electrons to free radicals, which provides these harmful atoms with full valences and prevents cellular damage.


    Can you overdose on turmeric powder? What are the effects?

    If you consume too much turmeric powder, you might experience negative physiological effects. For instance, excessive turmeric consumption has been linked to digestive issues, headaches, and nausea, and since the active ingredients in turmeric powder build up in the liver, too much of this otherwise beneficial substance can cause liver issues.

    Furthermore, turmeric contains small amounts of oxalate, which means it could cause kidney stones at high doses. Some sources even suggest that excessive turmeric consumption could cause you to have a stroke, so it’s best to keep your ingestion of turmeric powder moderate by consuming 50mg of this substance every day in a capsule of Feel.


    Does turmeric powder dissolve, flush out, or build up in the body?

    The majority of the turmeric powder you consume dissolves and flushes out of your body, but trace amounts of this nutrient remain in your liver and fatty tissues.


    Can you take turmeric powder during a diet?

    Turmeric does not interfere with any dietary restrictions.


    Are there synthetic forms of turmeric powder?

    Scientists have successfully created a synthetic form of turmeric made from petroleum. Initial research indicates that this synthetic turmeric analogue is just as effective as natural turmeric.


    Why might synthetic forms of turmeric powder be better?

    Natural turmeric is metabolised and excreted rapidly, which results in limited bioavailability. Synthetic turmeric was developed to address these bioavailability issues.


    Absorption rate of synthetic turmeric powder

    According to preliminary research, synthetic turmeric may have better absorption than natural turmeric.


    Why might natural forms of turmeric powder be better?

    While the safety of natural turmeric in low doses is well-established, there are no reliable, long-term data on the safety of synthetic turmeric. Some sources are concerned that the petroleum-based nature of synthetic turmeric may cause unwanted environmental or physiological issues.


    How to take turmeric powder

    Turmeric powder can be taken in food, mixed in drinks, or ingested as a supplement.


    Why everyone should be taking WeAreFeel supplements

    Turmeric is one beneficial nutrient that most supplement manufacturers overlook. While it’s true that more research needs to be done to firmly establish the benefits of turmeric powder and the curcuminoids it contains, it’s clear that including this substance in your diet in moderation can offer a huge boost to your health and well-being.

    Like many nutrients, however, supplementing with turmeric walks a fine line between beneficial and dangerous. In Feel, we only include the amount of turmeric you need to experience its positive effects without putting yourself in danger. Enjoy the benefits of turmeric without worrying about overdose or the potential dangers of synthetic turmeric with a daily capsule of Feel!



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