• Learn About Coenzyme Q10 in 5 Minutes - The Health Dossier with WeAreFeel

    From: Feel Multivitamin Jan-06-2023 01:53:am

    Lesson 33: Coenzyme Q10

    What is coenzyme Q10?

    Coenzyme Q10, also known as CoQ10 or ubiquinone, is a “ubiquitous” nutrient that is found in all plant and animal life. This substance is critically involved in the production of ATP, which provides energy to your cells. Some scientists consider CoQ10 to be the “stem cell” nutrient from which all other forms of nutrients arose.

    CoQ10 does not have any known side effects, and it has a near-100% absorption rate when taken in reasonable quantities. This substance is found in both plants and animals, but vegans and people with other dietary restrictions usually don’t get enough CoQ10 from food alone.


    Is coenzyme Q10 water-soluble or fat-soluble?

    CoQ10 is fat-soluble. Therefore, this substance absorbs into your body better when taken with other oils, and it takes a while for CoQ10 to absorb.


    Where can coenzyme Q10 be found naturally? 

    Almost every type of food contains at least some amount of this nutrient. Spinach and cauliflower are some examples of plant-based sources of CoQ10. 

    In animal bodies CoQ10 gravitates to the areas that have the fastest metabolism. The organs that work the hardest use the most energy, which means that the highest concentrations of CoQ10 are found in animal hearts, livers, and kidneys. 


    5 foods/drinks containing coenzyme Q10

    1. Spinach

    2. Cauliflower

    3. Liver

    4. Trout, herring, and sardines

    5. Oranges


    What is the recommended daily value for coenzyme Q10?

    Despite the fact that it is needed for every process in the body, CoQ10 is not considered to be an essential nutrient. Therefore, there is no NRV for this substance.


    Can you absorb enough coenzyme Q10 from food?

    While CoQ10 is available in most types of food, that doesn’t mean it’s easy to get enough of this nutrient from what you eat. Most foods contain very small amounts of CoQ10, and if you don’t want to harm animals to improve your nutrition, you’ll need to turn to supplements to get the CoQ10 your body needs.


    Why is coenzyme Q10 necessary for your body?

    CoQ10 serves as an energy-transfer molecule and a cofactor in the electron-transport chain within high-metabolism organs. Essentially, this means that organs that work hard, such as the heart and liver, use CoQ10 to provide their cells with the energy they need to continue working and reproducing. CoQ10 creates ATP, which is the primary energy-provider within cells. Coenzyme Q10 is also a powerful antioxidant.


    Functions of coenzyme Q10

    Essential for cellular functions: As mentioned, CoQ10’s primary function is to help provide your cells with energy. This effect provides benefits that cascade throughout every aspect of your health and well-being.

    Anti-aging benefits: Studies show that the antioxidant action of CoQ10 slows down the ageing process. CoQ10 appears to exert this benefit by preventing oxidative stress, which protects your telomeres and increases your life expectancy.

    Cardiovascular benefits: As a potent antioxidant, CoQ10 appears to improve heart health. Research shows that cardiac patients who take CoQ10 daily experience a reduced risk of cardiac distress.

    Exercise benefits: Research indicates that taking CoQ10 might make it take longer for you to experience exhaustion, which could provide a critical edge to athletes.


    Symptoms of coenzyme Q10 deficiency

    CoQ10 has not been recognised as an essential vitamin or mineral, so it’s technically not possible to become deficient in this substance. Without CoQ10, however, your body would be incapable of producing the ATP your cells need to survive. Since CoQ10 is created by your body as well as digested in food, true CoQ10 deficiency is next to impossible, but the more of this substance your body has at its disposal, the healthier you’ll be.


    How long do you need to take coenzyme Q10 to start experiencing its benefits if you’re deficient?

    As a fat-soluble nutrient, it might take a while for your body to process CoQ10. However, you should start experiencing the benefits of this substance within a week or less.


    How long does it take for your body to digest/absorb coenzyme Q10?

    CoQ10 has high bioavailability, but it still takes a while for your body to properly digest this substance and transport it to high-metabolism organs.


    How long does coenzyme Q10 stay in your body after you take it?

    CoQ10 is used in the process of creating ATP, and then it becomes a critical part of every cell in your body.


    Is coenzyme Q10 an antioxidant?

    Yes, and CoQ10 stands apart as being one of the only potent antioxidants that is both produced by your body and found in food.


    Can you overdose on coenzyme Q10? What are the effects?

    Since CoQ10 is naturally produced by the body, it is very hard to overdose on this substance. A study found that doses of CoQ10 as high as 1800mg per kg were well-tolerated in beagle dogs with limited to no side effects.


    Does coenzyme Q10 dissolve, flush out, or build up in the body?

    Coenzyme Q10 becomes a part of all the cells in your body as a constituent of ATP.


    Can you take coenzyme Q10 during a diet?

    Since CoQ10 is available in both plant and animal foods, this nutrient is universally available to people with dietary restrictions.


    Are there synthetic forms of coenzyme Q10?

    CoQ10 can either be cultured from yeast or made with chemicals in the lab.


    Why might synthetic forms of coenzyme Q10 be better?

    Synthetic coenzyme Q10 is considerably less expensive to produce than natural CoQ10.


    Absorption rate of synthetic coenzyme Q10

    Experts are concerned that synthetic CoQ10 may have reduced absorption rates, but limited scientific data has been released so far.


    Why might natural forms of coenzyme Q10 be better?

    All signs indicate that the natural form of CoQ10 is superior.


    How to take coenzyme Q10

    You consume some amount of CoQ10 every time you eat, but this substance is only highly concentrated in organ meats. Vegans should enjoy CoQ10 in Feel Multivitamin instead.


    Coenzyme Q10 trends in medicine

    Recently, Indian scientists took a closer look at CoQ10 toxicity in rats. This study determined that “No-Observed-Adverse-Effect Level (NOAEL) of ubiquinol acetate in males and females [is] 600 and 300 mg/kg/day, respectively.” These results line up with the earlier beagle study, but they show that you might want to consume a little bit less CoQ10 if you’re female. Since Feel Multivitamin only contains 30mg of CoQ10, however, these results are of no concern.


    Why everyone should be taking WeAreFeel supplements

    The human body exists within a constantly-shifting landscape. From the environment to the current state of consumer technology, everything around us is always changing, which makes it important to keep up with the times. CoQ10 has been on the scene for a while, but it’s only now that this nutrient is getting the credit it deserves. Along with the other ingredients in Feel Multivitamin, CoQ10 delivers a potent, nutritional punch that will get you out of your slump and out the door once again.

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