• #1 spot where free radicals are hiding

    From: Just Thrive Jan-06-2023 01:53:am
    And how it can hurt your gut health if you’re not careful
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     Zero-Hassle Returns

    You’ve probably heard of free radicals...
    Those toxic molecules that are linked to aging and all kinds of nasty health problems.
    But did you know free radicals can ALSO affect your gut health?
    It’s true… If left unchecked, they can quickly weaken your gut lining, making it so much harder for you to stay healthy.
    #1 Place Where Free Radicals Come From
    Free radical attacks seem to come from all sides.
    They’re hiding in medications, the water you drink, even in the air you breathe...
    Yet the primary source of free radicals is the food you eat.
    They get attached to food packaging, they can be byproducts of food processing and genetic modification…
    And surprisingly, they’re even created every time you digest.
    Research shows a buildup of free radicals can have staggering effects on your health...
    That’s why we all need to take proactive steps to stay protected!
    How To Naturally Fight Back Against Free Radicals
    The key to stopping free radicals is to target them BEFORE they can cause damage.
    And the best way to do that is by flooding your body (and especially your gut) with antioxidants.
    Antioxidants are amazing compounds that can inhibit the production of free radicals…
    And thankfully, they can come from a number of different sources.
    They’re plentiful in green veggies, dark chocolate, red wine, blueberries, strawberries and even Goji berries.
    Plus, you can support your natural antioxidant production by:
    • Getting 7-8 hours of beauty sleep a night
    • Doing self care on a daily basis
    • Getting out for a brisk walk or hitting the gym
    But the easiest way to get daily antioxidant support…?
    Take a probiotic with Bacillus HU36™.
    See, this exclusive probiotic strain does something completely unique:
    It turns your gut into an antioxidant factory…
    Producing powerful antioxidants right at the site of peak absorption.
    This is huge because many antioxidant foods and products struggle to get fully absorbed…
    (Which means their impact is slim.)
    With Bacillus HU36™, you’ll get maximum free-radical fighting benefits!
    And did you know?
    Just Thrive Probiotic is the ONLY retail-available product to feature Bacillus HU36™.
    Learn more about Just Thrive Probiotic HERE
    With gratitude,
    Tina Anderson
    Just Thrive | Founder
    P.S. Studies have proven that Just Thrive’s Bacillus HU36™ can produce 15 of the most protective antioxidants available including:
    • Beta-carotene
    • Lycopene
    • Zeaxanthin
    • Lutein
    • Astaxanthin
    This level of antioxidant support can quickly outmatch free-radicals, combat oxidative stress, and promote your best overall health.
    Power up with Just Thrive's HU36™ TODAY
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    *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.