• Top 10 European and American lipstick brands list


    According to the brand evaluation and sales volume, the top ten European and American lipstick brands in 2021 are selected. The top ten are Givenchy/Givenchy, Shiseido/Shiseido, Fei Luer, Kwai Er, Guerlain, Flash Diamond, Dior/Dior, Luofen , Roland, Sleek. If you are looking for European and American lipstick, what brand is good? We are committed to using the most authentic user data to recommend the best-reputed European and American lipstick brands, so that you can choose with confidence.

    1. Givenchy

    Established in France in 1952, it is a subsidiary of Givenchy Group. Grace, simplicity, and elegance are the greatest characteristics of Givenchy. It started with perfume as its main product, and later designed makeup and skin care business. It ranked 411 in the 2006 "Top 500 Brands in the World" list. The main products are men's clothing, women's clothing, sportswear, sporting goods, jeans, leather accessories, accessories, perfumes, home accessories, leather goods, ties, tie clips, glasses, accessories, perfumes, lighters, etc.

    2. Shiseido

    Established in 1872, Japan's top skin care brand is known as the pioneer of whitening in the century and the anti-aging expert in Asia. Its series of products are sold in 88 countries around the world. Shiseido has always been committed to providing professional care products for different replications, and is now a world-renowned beauty brand.


    A Chinese cosmetics brand established in 2015, mainly sold overseas. The eye shadows in its products are currently in online celebrity styles, with fine powder and not easy to fly.


    Founded in 1828 in France, as a high-end cosmetics and skin care product brand under the Moët Hennessy-Louis Vuitton Group, the company's slogan is superb products and flawlessness. Adhering to the pursuit of beauty, Guerlain of France has opened up a legend in the fields of perfume, skin care and cosmetics through continuous exploration, innovation and improvement. Avant-garde and bold innovators, legendary classics, timeless and precious exquisite skills, let the culture of beauty become the mark of Guerlain of France!

    5. Dior

    Founded in 1946, the French brand was founded by Christian Dior, a world-renowned French fashion designer at the time. In the decades of development, Dior has maintained a noble and elegant style brand despite continuous innovation. It has always been the perfect presentation of elegance and luxury in the fields of fashion, jewelry, perfume, watches, skin care, and make-up.

    6. L'SPHERE

    A skin care product born in the United Kingdom, which mainly incorporates plant extract formulas from all over the world, including whitening, brightening, oil control, freckle removal and so on.

    7. Sleek

    Founded in 1989, Sleek first specialized in the research and production of various cosmetics. The brand company officially entered the European and American markets in 1993 and became the first brand of European and American wigs.